How to Use Olive Oil


Which La Española olive oil is suitable for salads?

Our Extra Virgin Olive Oil Medium Flavour has a full-bodied, fruity flavour and is perfect for ‘cold’ use. Consuming it cold really brings out the fragrance and flavour of the oil, whilst adding another dimension to your dish of choice. We recommend La Española Extra Virgin Olive Oil Medium Flavour for use in salads and as the basis of dressings or dips.

If you feel that our Extra Virgin Olive Oil Medium Flavour is too intense for your tastebuds you can use La Española Extra Virgin Mild Olive Oil. Its slightly sweet and fruity flavour pairs perfectly with seafood and summer salads!

Up to what temperature can olive oil be heated?

Our collection of superior olive oils have a distinct range of characteristics, ensuring that you can match the perfect oil to your particular needs. Explore our range of products to see which oils are right for you.

One of the best for cooking at high temperatures is La Española Pure Olive Oil, which can be heated up to 220° C. You can also use La Española Pure Olive Oil for deep-frying, however deep-frying with olive oil at a temperature greater than 200°C is best avoided. A low temperature is also undesirable (110-120°C).

What is a smoking point?

The smoking point is the temperature at which the olive oil stops shimmering and starts sending out smoke instead. It is important not to exceed the recommended smoking point when cooking using oils or fats because it may be harmful to your health and can also ruin the taste of your food.

The fact that some oils have a higher or lower smoke point does not determine the quality of the oil. Each oil is different and is created through a different production process. We suggest that you use Extra Virgin Olive Oil for dressings and seasoning, and use light or Pure Olive Oil for cooking.

Can I also use La Española olive oil for frying, roasting or grilling?

Yes, yes, and yes! Research has shown that olive oil is more resistant to high temperatures than other oils, and La Española Pure Olive Oil is perfect for roasting and grilling. For frying, wok cooking and baking, we recommend using La Española Mild & Light Olive Oil. As these oils are refined after pressing, they are more suitable for heating, and offer a milder taste which will not overpower your meals.
